When to Hire a Probate Lawyer in Sacramento and other California locations?
If you’ve got a loved one whose assets need to go through the probate process, you might be searching for a “probate lawyer near me” in Sacramento or other locations in California.
A lawyer can help ensure the proper transfer of their assets after their passing. A probate attorney can help validate wills and determine heirs, establishing who is legally entitled to the deceased’s property, even if a loved one died a will or trust.
Working with a probate law firm is also often necessary when dealing with contested wills and complex probate processes.
Probate services can also ensure proper tax filing. A probate lawyer can walk you through the process, including paying any final taxes owed by the deceased.
For more probate information, contact us at GoldenState Probates.
Personalized Probate Services in Sacramento
GoldenState Probates offers professional legal services, including assistance with probate of estate matters, for those in and close to Sacramento and the surrounding areas.
If your loved one’s assets are being handled through probate court, don’t delay contacting us for help. Acting swiftly can help you avoid missing any legal deadlines.
Get in touch for help navigating the probate process “around me” in Sacramento and the surrounding areas.
Why Choose Golden State Probates?
At GoldenState Probates, our probate counsel has decades of experience and extensive knowledge of California probate law and procedures.
Contact us to find out if we can assist with your probate needs in other communities across Northern and Central California.
Discover some of the advantages of contacting us for probate services in Sacramento:
Experienced probate counsel
Personalized attention
Reliable communication
Every estate is unique, which means that the probate process varies from one case to another. You can depend on us to address your biggest concerns, as we take the time to understand your specific circumstances.
Allow us to help you through this challenging period. Whether you’re dealing with a simple estate or a complex one with multiple assets, we can handle your situation and help resolve the probate process as efficiently as possible while looking out for your interests.
For those in Sacramento or the areas which surround it, contact us today for legal guidance.
Explore Our Offerings

Formal Probate of a valid Last Will
The Formal Probate of a Last Will starts with the filing of a Probate which is published in the newspaper, appraisal of all of the assets of the probate estate, and a determination by the Court of the devisees of the Will who will receive the decedent's assets the share of the assets each will receive.

Probating an estate of a decedent who died without leaving a Will.
The Probate of a decedent's estate where no will was left by the decedent also starts with the filing of a Probate case which is published in the newspaper, appraisal of all of the assets of the probate estate, and a determination by the Court of the heirs of the estate as determined by California statutes on "intestate succession" on the subject of who will receive the decedent's assets and the share of the assets each will receive.

Appointment with Probate Attorney to discuss a particular matter.
Schedule an appointment to confer with Probate Attorney about the recent passing of a relative, friend or acquaintance in order to determine what needs to be done to Probate that person's Last Will or, if they died intestate, what needs to be done to administer their estate assets for distribution to the appropriate person(s).

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2014 Capitol Avenue, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95811